Air Compressor
5hp includes installation and two outlets
Extra air outlets
Prep package - air lines in walls and 110V outlet (included with compressor)
Air Conditioning
Bard type 2.5 ton wall mount - front of trailer with stainless enclosure
Basement air - dual compressor heat pump
Roof mount 15k BTU:
- Ducted with remote thermostat
- Non-ducted with manual controls
Air Conditioning Clear Vinyl Curtains
Side door
Trailer interior
Alarm System - alarm with wireless remote
Battery Kit - with box and kill switch
Includes: battery(ies), wiring, mounting box, disconnect switch, maintenance type charger
Bogie Wheels - set of two
Cabinets - per customer's design/specifications
Carpet on Walls - lower 30"
'D' Rings - four standard per floor
'Alumitrac' tie downs
Additional 'D' rings
Doors-Access - single 32" side standard
Double side doors
Exterior RV door
Sliding glass interior doors (pair)
Entry door in liftgate
Sliding/folding doors at rear of trailer for full width interior access
Utility access door (hose and electrical reels) - approx. 18"x18"
Electrical Outlets - two interior outlets are standard
Additional interior outlets
Exterior outlets (GFI required)
Rubber disc flooring (black only, other colors quoted upon request)
3/4" plywood ILO aluminum
Generator Door - included with full generator package below
Generator Prep Package
Included with generator package (door not included): battery, batt box, wiring to power panel, disconnect; no fuel tank
Generators - requires appropriate Battery Kit listed above
Include: fuel lines, fuel tank, exhaust, wiring, access door, door vent (when required), remote start, transfer switch, fuel filler door
7 kW gas
8 kW diesel
10 kW diesel
12 kW diesel
20 kW diesel
Hatch Cover - 2nd floor sliding
Landing Gear - manual landing gear standard
Hydraulic - single post 8k lb capacity
Hydraulic - single post 12k lb capacity
Hydraulic - dual post 24k lb capacity
Drag application with 5' flap, tapered liftgate door and hinged bridge to 2nd floor
Halogen spotlights (300W)
Engine lift 'D' ring
Diamond plate ILO smooth aluminum
Lights - Exterior
Extra running lights
Exterior floods (500W)
Extra switch mounted inside at rear of trailer
Back up (docking) lights - 50W at rear of trailer - stainless steel
Lights - Interior
Under cabinet fluorescents (110V)
Thinlite fluorescents (12V)
Extra 12V lights - one/floor standard
Extra light switch at rear of trailer
Observation Deck - with folding railing
Fuel jug:
2 containers
3 containers
4 containers
Ramp Door
Diamond plate ILO smooth aluminum
Hinged full width flap
Hinged ramps
Ramp support with bumpers
Wireless winch control
Ramp Overs
Standard with open sides
Enclosed with storage doors
Reels - Air & Electrical
Air - 50'
Electrical - 50'
Stainless Skin
Polished ceiling
Lower side trim - includes bottom of side door(s)
Liftgate - outer skin
Side door
Front Gen/AC doors
Ramp door - rear outer skin
Header over ramp door
Steps - Access - 'fold out' or 'plug in' style depending on interior layout
Stereo - 4-speaker stereo
10k Torflex (in place of 8k)
Air ride with discs
Torflex - air/hydraulic brakes - antilock required
8k ILO 7k Torflex (keeping 16" wheels and tires)
10k ILO 8k Torflex (requires 17.5" wheels and tires)
Additional 7k axle with 16" wheels
Additional 8k axle with 17.5" wheels
Wheel and tire upgrade from 16" to 17.5"
Dual tandems ILO 3-8k axles - includes 22.5" tires with outer aluminum wheels
Marmon/Harrington - twin axle 22.5k (ILO 3-8k Torflex)
Tire Racks
Slick mounts
Single row
Double row
Trailer Height - Optional
Wheels and Tires - 16" standard on 7k axles
17.5" Michelin upgrade from 16" (standard on liftgates)
22.5" Big Wheel upgrade from 17.5" - polished aluminum wheels
Includes: battery wiring, mounting plate, remote control wiring and installation at rear of trailer, 5000# Superwinch
Winch with hard-wired remote as described above
Winch with wireless remote
Wireless option for ramp door winch
Winch mounted in compartment flush to trailer floor with hard-wired remote
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